Donating a little bit of money or time may not seem like much. But if your donation is joined with others, it becomes something much bigger. Our charity needs funds, fundraisers, and volunteers!
Donating to Camphill Communities of Ireland is hugely important to us and every Euro really does matter. Our charity’s website has many ways you can choose to donate or contribute to our cause. Please help us by:
- Donating through Paypal
- Sign up for our Monthly Draw
- Volunteer with one of our Communities
Donations over €250 in a given year, are tax exempt and Camphill can claim back the tax at a blended rate of 31%
If you donated €250 or more to Camphill in a year, you can download the easy-to-complete tax relief form here (if it’s a once-off donation) or if you give regularly please download the enduring form here.
Please return to National Governance Office, Camphill Communities of Ireland, Ground Floor, Unit W5D Ladytown Business Park Ladytown Naas Co.Kildare W91 W26T
For more information please go to the Revenue Commissioners Website at:
Monthly Draw Prize Winners - December 2023
Brenda and Linus Kearns €250
Jennifer Ennis €100
Jacinta O’Hanrahan €50
Caroline McCann €50
Well done to all of our winners this month!
If you would like to support Camphill Communities of Ireland by participating in our Monthly Prize Draw please go to
If you're not in you can't win!
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