Relationship Based Support
Supporting relationships that connect people with community
Having positive relationships and being part of a community where we are safe and treated with dignity, respected for who we are and valued for our contribution is important in everyone’s life. This is at the centre of what we are about in Camphill.
Camphill supports people to have choices in how they live in the community. Each Camphill Community has its own unique way of life that links to the local community, family and friends, communities are shaped by the people who are part of the Camphill Community We do this by:
Community Living:
Most communities are a home for both people with special needs and volunteers where people intentionally share responsibility for the tasks and cultural activities of day to day life. Communities have a number of shared houses. Some communities will have a farm; most will have workshops and a range of other facilities.
Independent living:
We can support your independent living skills and help you to manage your life and choices with confidence. We provide Outreach and Floating Support to help you manage your daily life and assist you to get out and about to appointments and to get things done around the house.
Supported Housing:
We can support you in your home whether you live alone or share with others: Our support workers are highly trained and experienced in delivering person centred approaches.
Supporting High and Complex Needs:
CCoI is highly experienced in providing supported housing for people with high and complex needs. We ensure that our staff are highly trained and have the experience and understanding to support people with profound and multiple disabilities and additional health needs. We work closely with the individual, family carers and professionals to develop a support plan that meets the needs and wishes of the people we support.
A Place of Your Own:
You may want to, or need to, move out of we can help you find a place of your own. Our support workers support you to have a voice and can assist you and your family to explore choices available. They can assist in the application to find a home in your local area. They will help you through the whole process until it is time to move out. They can co-ordinate your move and support you with your bills.
CCoI is exploring the development new forms of residential environments that are not what we have known as a Camphill community but it is an active expression of Camphill impulses: For community, for life-sharing, for sustainable communities, care for the land, for environmental responsibility, for cultural, artistic and spiritual engagement.
Developing from the Nimble Spaces initiative in Callan, which (among other goals) aims to promote clusters of housing some of which is privately owned by people who have no “membership” or “employment” relationship to Camphill, as well as including people with a wide variety of “need” – related to age, ability, health, income level, etc. It essentially promotes a sense of enhanced neighbourliness and a common cause for inclusion.
For further details or to discuss how you might be involved with Camphill please contact your local Camphill Communities.
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